Friday, September 2, 2011

The New House

Our new abode!

A Garden Spider? A Hobo Spider? We don't know what he is but we don't like him!

Our new house is adorable and we love it. We don't really care much for the spiders that we keep finding. I have NEVER been scared of spiders (well everyone is a little afraid) but these things are MONSTERS and I keep having dreams about them. I also keep having phantom crawly feelings on my legs. I keep thinking I have a ginormous spider in my pants, like the time I had a Sun Spider in my pants and my dad got mad because I didn't sit calmly and call to him so he could kill it, instead I ripped my pants off, shrieking like a maniac and flung the spider (and my pants) across the room. Afterwards I was more afraid of my dad seeing me in my underpants than I was of that spider. Anyway, a person can't go flinging there pants off everytime they feel an itch, especially because the houses in this neighborhood are VERY close together and the neighbors would probably think it was a little odd.

Before Larry's parents left we had a photo session, which was pretty awesome because Larry and his dad both try to weasel their way out of pictures but they couldn't get out of it this time. :) It really was tons of fun to have Larry's family come with us. We were very sad to see them go. We can't wait to have people visit us!
Great Grandma Ruiz, Grandma Ruiz, me and the girls

Molly loved snuggling with her Great Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa Ruiz and our family
3 Larry's, 3 girls

1 comment:

  1. That is one hideous spider! It gives me chills just looking at a picture of it! I would NEVER be able to sleep again if I found one of these in my home.
